Computes generalised quadratic-form penalties
This function computes a quadratic penalty of the form
$$0.5 \sum_{i} \lambda_i b^T S_i b,$$
with smoothing parameters \(\lambda_i\), coefficient vector \(b\), and fixed penalty matrices \(S_i\).
This generalises the penalty
by allowing subsets of the coefficient vector \(b\) to be penalised multiple times with different smoothing parameters, which is necessary for tensor products, functional random effects or adaptive smoothing.
It is intended to be used inside the penalised negative log-likelihood function when fitting models with penalised splines or simple random effects via quasi restricted maximum likelihood (qREML) with the qreml
For qreml
to work, the likelihood function needs to be compatible with the RTMB
R package to enable automatic differentiation.
- re_coef
list of coefficient vectors/ matrices
Each list entry corresponds to a different smooth/ random effect with its own associated penalty matrix or penalty-matrix list in
. When several smooths/ random effects of the same kind are present, it is convenient to pass them as a matrix, where each row corresponds to one smooth/ random effect. This way all rows can use the same penalty matrix.- S
list of fixed penalty matrices matching the structure of
.This means if
is of length 3, thenS
needs to be a list of length 3. Each entry needs to be either a penalty matrix, matching the dimension of the corresponding entry inre_coef
, or a list with multiple penalty matrices for tensor products.- lambda
penalty strength parameter vector that has a length corresponding to the provided
.Specifically, for entries with one penalty matrix,
parameters are needed. For entries withk
penalty matrices,k * nrow(re_coef[[i]])
parameters are needed.E.g. if
is a vector andre_coef[[2]]
a matrix with 4 rows,S[[1]]
is a list of length 2 andS[[2]]
is a matrix, thenlambda
needs to be of length 1 * 2 + 4 = 6.
returns the penalty value and reports to qreml
Caution: The formatting of re_coef
needs to match the structure of the parameter list in your penalised negative log-likelihood function,
i.e. you cannot have two random effect vectors of different names (different list elements in the parameter list), combine them into a matrix inside your likelihood and pass the matrix to penalty
If these are seperate random effects, each with its own name, they need to be passed as a list to penalty
. Moreover, the ordering of re_coef
needs to match the character vector random
specified in qreml
See also
for the qREML algorithm
# Example with a single random effect
re = rep(0, 5)
S = diag(5)
lambda = 1
penalty(re, S, lambda)
#> [1] 0
# Example with two random effects,
# where one element contains two random effects of similar structure
re = list(matrix(0, 2, 5), rep(0, 4))
S = list(diag(5), diag(4))
lambda = c(1,1,2) # length = total number of random effects
penalty(re, S, lambda)
#> [1] 0
# Full model-fitting example
data = trex[1:1000,] # subset
# initial parameter list
par = list(logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)), # step mean
logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # step sd
beta0 = c(-2,-2), # state process intercept
betaspline = matrix(rep(0, 18), nrow = 2)) # state process spline coefs
# data object with initial penalty strength lambda
dat = list(step = data$step, # step length
tod = data$tod, # time of day covariate
N = 2, # number of states
lambda = rep(10,2)) # initial penalty strength
# building model matrices
modmat = make_matrices(~ s(tod, bs = "cp"),
data = data.frame(tod = 1:24),
knots = list(tod = c(0,24))) # wrapping points
dat$Z = modmat$Z # spline design matrix
dat$S = modmat$S # penalty matrix
# penalised negative log-likelihood function
pnll = function(par) {
getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
Gamma = tpm_g(Z, cbind(beta0, betaspline)) # transition probabilities
delta = stationary_p(Gamma, t = 1) # initial distribution
mu = exp(logmu) # step mean
sigma = exp(logsigma) # step sd
# calculating all state-dependent densities
allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
ind = which(! # only for non-NA obs.
for(j in 1:N) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])
-forward_g(delta, Gamma[,,tod], allprobs) +
penalty(betaspline, S, lambda) # this does all the penalization work
# model fitting
mod = qreml(pnll, par, dat, random = "betaspline")
#> Creating AD function
#> Initialising with lambda: 10 10
#> outer 1 - lambda: 5.545 5
#> outer 2 - lambda: 3.288 3
#> outer 3 - lambda: 2.081 2.09
#> outer 4 - lambda: 1.406 1.598
#> outer 5 - lambda: 1.018 1.292
#> outer 6 - lambda: 0.79 1.079
#> outer 7 - lambda: 0.654 0.919
#> outer 8 - lambda: 0.573 0.793
#> outer 9 - lambda: 0.525 0.689
#> outer 10 - lambda: 0.497 0.601
#> outer 11 - lambda: 0.48 0.525
#> outer 12 - lambda: 0.471 0.46
#> outer 13 - lambda: 0.467 0.402
#> outer 14 - lambda: 0.465 0.352
#> outer 15 - lambda: 0.465 0.309
#> outer 16 - lambda: 0.466 0.272
#> outer 17 - lambda: 0.467 0.24
#> outer 18 - lambda: 0.469 0.213
#> outer 19 - lambda: 0.472 0.191
#> outer 20 - lambda: 0.474 0.172
#> outer 21 - lambda: 0.476 0.157
#> outer 22 - lambda: 0.478 0.144
#> outer 23 - lambda: 0.48 0.134
#> outer 24 - lambda: 0.481 0.126
#> outer 25 - lambda: 0.483 0.119
#> outer 26 - lambda: 0.484 0.113
#> outer 27 - lambda: 0.485 0.109
#> outer 28 - lambda: 0.486 0.106
#> outer 29 - lambda: 0.486 0.105
#> Converged
#> Final model fit with lambda: 0.486 0.105