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This function builds the B-spline design matrix for a given data vector. Importantly, the B-spline basis functions are normalised such that the integral of each basis function is 1, hence this basis can be used for spline-based density estimation, when the basis functions are weighted by non-negative weights summing to one.


  type = "real",
  degree = 3,
  knots = NULL,
  quantile = FALSE,
  diff_order = 2,
  pow = 0.5,
  npoints = 10000



data vector


number of basis functions


type of the data, either "real" for data on the reals, "positive" for data on the positive reals or "circular" for circular data like angles.


degree of the B-spline basis functions, defaults to cubic B-splines


optional vector of knots (including the boundary knots) to be used for basis construction. If not provided, the knots are placed equidistantly for "real" and "circular" and using polynomial spacing for "positive".

For "real" and "positive" k - degree + 1 knots are needed, for "circular" k + 1 knots are needed.


logical, if TRUE use quantile-based knot spacing (instead of equidistant or polynomial)


order of differencing used for the P-Spline penalty matrix for each data stream. Defaults to second-order differences.


power for polynomial knot spacing


number of points used in the numerical integration for normalizing the B-spline basis functions

Such non-equidistant knot spacing is only used for type = "positive".


list containing the design matrix Z, the penalty matrix S, the prediction design matrix Z_predict, the prediction grid xseq, and details for the basis expansion.


# real-valued
x <- rnorm(100)
modmat <- make_matrices_dens(x, k = 20)
#> Leaving out last column of the penalty matrix, fix the last spline coefficient at zero for identifiability!
# positive-continuouos
x <- rgamma2(100, mean = 5, sd = 2)
modmat <- make_matrices_dens(x, k = 20, type = "positive")
#> Leaving out last column of the penalty matrix, fix the last spline coefficient at zero for identifiability!
# circular
x <- rvm(100, mu = 0, kappa = 2)
modmat <- make_matrices_dens(x, k = 20, type = "circular")
#> Leaving out last column of the penalty matrix, fix the last spline coefficient at zero for identifiability!
# bounded in an interval
x <- rbeta(100, 1, 2)
modmat <- make_matrices_dens(x, k = 20)
#> Leaving out last column of the penalty matrix, fix the last spline coefficient at zero for identifiability!