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This function builds the infinitesimal generator matrix for a continuous-time Markov chain from an unconstrained parameter vector.


generator(param, byrow = FALSE, report = TRUE)



unconstrained parameter vector of length N*(N-1) where N is the number of states of the Markov chain


logical indicating if the transition probability matrix should be filled by row


logical, indicating whether the generator matrix Q should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if when automatic differentiation with RTMB is used.


infinitesimal generator matrix of dimension c(N,N)

See also

Other transition probability matrix functions: tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


# 2 states: 2 free off-diagonal elements
generator(rep(-1, 2))
#>            S1         S2
#> S1 -0.3678794  0.3678794
#> S2  0.3678794 -0.3678794
# 3 states: 6 free off-diagonal elements
generator(rep(-2, 6))
#>            S1         S2         S3
#> S1 -0.2706706  0.1353353  0.1353353
#> S2  0.1353353 -0.2706706  0.1353353
#> S3  0.1353353  0.1353353 -0.2706706